Height (excluding head): 40cm
Neck circumference: 7.2cm
Shoulder width: 9cm
Bust: 18.3cm
Waist: 14.6cm
Hip circumference: 20.5cm
Arm length: 13.5cm
Leg length: 25cm
Thigh circumference: 11.7cm
Calf circumference: 7.6cm
Large hip circumference: 5.5cm
Small hips: 5.2cm
Leg length: 5.7cm
Foot width: 2.2cm
✨ Free Shipping over USD150 to selected country only.
✨ The naked baby does not include makeup and other related accessories.
✨ Accessories/head: about 3-4 months.
Naked baby/body: around 4-5 months.
Official uniform/face with makeup/full set: about 5-6 months.
Additional Information
Naked Body Only |
Environmental White, Environmental Yellow, Environmental Pink |
「CharmDoll」Second Generation Male Body, Body Only (CDB-B45-02) (1/4)(45cm)