Overall height: 72cm
Height (excluding head): 64cm
Head circumference: 16.6cm
Neck circumference: 5.9cm
Shoulder width: 7.6cm
Bust: 15.9cm
Waist: 11.4cm
Upper body length: 16.5cm
Lower body length: about 56cm
Eyeball: 14/5mm
✨ Free Shipping over USD150 to selected country only.
✨ When you purchase a naked baby or a complete set, you can receive a male flat-chested chest as a gift (the gift has the same skin color as the baby).
✨ Accessories/head: about 3-4 months.
Naked baby/body: around 4-5 months.
Official uniform/face with makeup/full set: about 5-6 months.
NAKED DOLL, Complete set (white wall + transparent lower body), [Accessories] B4-27 jellyfish lower body, [Accessories] B4-20 female body version lower body |
Wall White, White, Normal, Pink, Mia White, Mia Pink, Soom Narwhal Peony White, DZ Pink-White, Shallow Muscle Burning, Grey |