Height (excluding head): 41.3cm
Neck circumference: 7.1cm
Shoulder width: 9.8cm
Bust: 18cm
Waist: 13.4cm
Hip circumference: 18.3cm
Leg length: 23.6cm
Thigh circumference: 10.1cm
Calf circumference: 7.6cm
Arm length (including shoulders): 13.5cm
Arm length (excluding shoulders): 11.3cm
Upper arm circumference: 5.5cm
Forearm circumference: 5.4cm
Wrist circumference: 4.3cm
Ankle circumference: 5.7cm
Foot length: 5.6cm
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✨ As shown in the picture, the shoulder joints and thigh joints located on the blue stickers are padded with spacers. The thigh joints are a little loose without spacers, but they will not cause random bowing.
There is no problem with basic standing, but you need to find your balance when standing on one leg. He may not be able to do other difficult movements (think carefully, think carefully). Thank you!
✨ Accessories/head: about 3-4 months.
Naked baby/body: around 4-5 months.
Official uniform/face with makeup/full set: about 5-6 months.
Style |
Head Only, Naked Body, Full Doll |
Skin |
Mia White, Peony White, Mia Pink, Soom Normal, Soom light tan |